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    iPhone 12 128GB Red Ref

    Manufacturer: Apple
    The Apple iPhone 12 128GB in red is the perfect device for anyone looking for an amazing user experience. The iPhone 12 offers an amazing display, a powerful processor, and a large internal memory of 128GB. All of this in a stunning red design. The iPhone 12 comes with an excellent camera and advanced technologies like Face ID and 5G. These features promise you an amazing user experience and provide the perfect device for daily use.
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    Availability: Out of stock
    Price without VAT ₪1580 Buy in Eilat store
    • Poleg Netanya
    • Netanya center
    • Main Warehouse Netanya
    • Eilat
    • Logistics warehouse
    N/A - Can be ordered for pickup/delivery
    Free shipping
    Delivery date: Up to 1-7 business days

    Apple iPhone 12 128GB - Red

    Amazing display, powerful processor, and large 128GB internal memory in a stunning red design. Excellent camera and advanced technologies like Face ID and 5G for an amazing user experience.