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    JBL C150SIU in-ear headphones.

    Manufacturer: JBL
    The new JBL C150SI are lightweight and dynamic in-ear headphones. They feature powerful 9mm drivers that provide a powerful bass response and the legendary sound quality you expect from JBL. They are comfortable to wear all day long. The inline microphone with universal remote allows you to talk and manage your calls on Android and iOS devices.
    SKU: 6925281922527
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    Data is taken from the manufacturer's website and/or importer's data and/or their publications and is their responsibility. The data is subject to the manufacturer's and/or importer's definitions, methods, and testing conditions, including size/volume, technical data, etc.
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    Availability: The product is in the importer's stock
    Price without VAT ₪76 Buy in Eilat store
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    Delivery date: Up to 1-7 business days
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